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Womxn's Body Positivity Wellness Fair

Our Wellness Fair is an event focused on educating womxn about their health, self-care, nutrition, and most importantly body positivity. From meditation, to career enhancement, our wellness is completely committed to self love, acceptance, and community support.

Literacy Drive


Literacy Drive Fundraisers shall be taking place throughout the year via crowd funding, events, and merchandise.

Les Femmes Underground International Film Festival

LEFUFF, is a women​'s 501c3 non-profit whose initiative is to bring art, media, and wellness programs to low income regions throughout the United States.


Books for Babes​

Books for Babes is a literacy initiative aimed at educating young girls and boys about gender equality in low income neighborhoods via feminist children's books and toys. We hope to provide each child with a feminist children's book, toy, as well as other tools to help prepare them for their future.

Womxn's Month

Women's Month is the perfect time to celebrate womxn and their accomplishments. As a result, we will be showing various films centered on women's health in all throughout the Southern California Region in March.

Feminist Toys for Totes

Feminist Toys for Totes, is one of our fundraising events taking place throughout the year. Our goal is to provide each child with a toy that teaches engineering, science, and other hands on skills.

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